Help For A Person Addicted To Valium

Finding out that a family member, a friend, or even a spouse is addicted to any substance can be difficult. The emotional toll it often has leads people into a state of denial. Then comes the confirmation through physical and behavioral changes in your loved one.

The lies, manipulation, and shifting of blame that led to an unstable rocky relationship. The secrecy and aggressive behavior that drive people away from them. The sudden loss of weight and a sharp decline in health lets you know that their life is hanging by a thread.

Perhaps their addiction to Valium has even pushed them into a life of theft and irresponsible behavior.

Doing nothing is not an option. But where do you start? How do you approach him or her in a non-confrontational way? How does one deal with an individual suffering from an addiction problem?

Below, the article answers those questions for you and should help make the process easier.

It’s Not Your Fault

Valium AddictionFirst things first, you need to realize that it is not your fault. One of the signs of addiction is shift blaming.  A person addicted to Valium will find a way to blame or guilt-trip other individuals.

Realizing this will help you deal with the individual addicted to Valium more mindfully. Guilt will only have you supporting his or her actions financially and emotionally. In turn, your actions will only fuel their addiction to the substance and make it harder for them to stop.

Set Boundaries

Creating boundaries between you and the person struggling with Valium addiction is incredibly important. It lets them know what you can and cannot put up with. If they act out, do not be afraid to stand your ground.

Individuals with a substance abuse disorder indeed hate hearing the word no. However, you’ll be surprised at its effectiveness in dealing with their manipulation. It also helps define your relationship and keeps you from feeding the loved one’s addiction.

Facing the Consequences

Letting them face the consequences of their actions comes with setting boundaries. Your love for them can easily drive you to cover up for them. Maybe even have you getting them out of a sticky situation that they put themselves in.

This can be emotionally and financially draining, not to mention the physical toll on you. When an individual gets themselves in trouble due to their addiction to Valium, do not intervene. This will help them think about their actions and possibly encourage them to stop.

This point is only valid if the individual is not at the risk of dying from an overdose.

Be Supportive and Caring

Valium AbuseIt’s possible to set firm boundaries and still be loving and supportive at the same time. Saying no is one of the most loving things you can do for them.

Do not stigmatize, criticize, insult or judge them. This will only drive them away. Instead, be kind during your interactions with them. You’ll be surprised how much they might be willing to open up to you.

Offering support is also imperative when the loved one with a Valium addiction problem seeks intervention. This can be in many forms. Your presence will mean a lot, from helping them find an effective treatment center to attend counseling sessions with them.

Be sure to find out the type of addiction recovery treatment the individual is comfortable with and work from there.

Learn to Communicate

If you can’t get through to your loved one, try the CRAFT Approach. CRAFT stands for Community Training and Family Training. This training is designed to help you and your loved one learn how to communicate effectively.

It also helps one understand the reason behind their loved one’s drug use. Operating from a place of understanding can augment positive reinforcement and build empathy as well. Before you know it, talking to the individual addicted to Valium will be easier and less aggressive.

Encourage Help or Intervention

Person Addicted To ValiumThe step that will make interacting with the individual addicted to Valium a lot easier is to remain kind. Kindness and understanding encourage openness and a willingness to work together from both parties involved. Of course, the CRAFT Approach helps a great deal as well.

Most importantly, be sure to remain compassionate and empathetic as you encourage them to get help.

If you’re not as close with the individual addicted to Valium, try having someone else around. This could be someone they are likely to listen to, be it a close friend or family member. Sometimes having a doctor or a professional interventionist can help a great deal as well.

What Happens if They Say No?

More often than not, the person with an addiction to Valium is likely to refuse help. This response could be due to fear of the truth coming out into the open. The fear of being judged and ridiculed can be so great that they’d rather struggle with their addiction.

Others often fear that they’ll be reported to the police.

If this is the case, try and reassure them that they won’t get in trouble. Remind them that their family members and friends would want the best for them. In this case, that would be getting them the help they need.

Find Helpful Programs

NAR-ANON GROUPSIt’s not uncommon to find the addiction of Valium linked or closely related to other substance abuse disorders. Hence, finding a program that deals with a wide array of addiction problems can be helpful. If you need some help in finding a suitable addiction treatment program, consider hiring an addiction specialist.

An addiction specialist will evaluate the patient to help inform the appropriate treatment program him/her.

Friends and families of individuals struggling with an addiction to Valium can also join programs. For instance, Nar-Anon utilizes the 12- step program to help affected individuals learn to cope with the effects of living with an addict.

In conclusion, Valium addiction can take a toll on everyone. This includes the individual addicted to it and those around him or her. As the loved one of the addicted individuals, learn to set boundaries and still show support and love.

Kind and open communication can go a long way in encouraging treatment and help.

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